GAUSS is a company with a long-year experience in applying geoinformation technologies in areas of natural resource management, spatial planning, real estate and utility cadastre, telecommunications, and power distribution systems.
GAUSS designs, develops, and implements complete geoinformation solutions supplying technology, spatial data, and user training.


Improve the users’ business through education.
Create integral business solutions based on top services and world leading technologies.
Ensure a working environment, where each employee can show his/her full potential.
Acquiring new knowledge and monitoring technological development are integrative components in our business approach. Our professional team is educated and trained to analyze and support your requirements and to suggest and realize a quality user solution. Geoinformation technologies that we implement are completely supported by professional and industrial standards enabling the quality, functionality, and longevity of the usage of our solutions.
Location data are vital for any business and organization. Information systems based on location knowledge give you the ability to visualize, analyze, and exchange spatial information to make better decisions for your business development.
- E-mail: info@gauss.ba
- Sales: sales@gauss.ba
- Support: support@gauss.ba
Telefon: + 387 35 363 110 Fax: + 387 35 255 131

GAUSS CENTER FOR GIS Maršala Tita 7, 71000 Sarajevo